Victim Babiš
Andrej Babis deploys a sense of victimhood as a political tool to win our sympathy. Like Vladimir Putin.
Wagenknecht effect
The appeal of Andrej Babis for voters is built on the perception that he stands against established interests, a perception thanks in part to his appointment of authentic outsiders like Lukas Wagenknecht who was fired this week.
Triumvirs of atomic waste
Czechs to spend another EUR100 million on the Russo-German nuclear waste industry
"Nepořizují si tryskáče nebo jachty"
Manažerem roku 2014 se stal generální ředitel společnosti ČEZ Daniel Beneš. Dvaadvacátý ročník soutěže pořádaly Svaz průmyslu ČR. Beneš je viceprezident SP ČR.
In praise of naked emperors
Czech industry leaders this month chose CEZ's Daniel Benes as their ‘Manager of the Year'. And why not? Think of all that value he has added over the last ten CEZ's suppliers!
Jestliže ztratíme schopnost si politický úsudek vytvářet, stávají se z nás ne-občané, zralí pro babišismus.
'Ronald' Putin
Once upon a time there was a great power that was worried about its rival’s efforts to undermine it...
Dejte šanci válce!
'Smokin' out Putin': Vyzbrojování Ukrajiny zůstává špatným nápadem, i když jde Minsk 2 do kytek.
Give war a chance!
Rearming Ukraine is still a dumb idea even as Minsk 2 collapses.