Jerry´s first impressions in Prague
Před týdnem dorazil do Čech, kde pro něj dobrovolníci sdružení dobrovolných aktivit INEX připravili obdobný program. Jerry by se s Vámi prostřednictvím tohoto blogu rád podělil o své dojmy z pobytu v České republice. Bude se muset trochu porvat s klávesnicí, protože u nich na škole nemají ani elektřinu, natož počítač. Bude mít alespoň příležitost proniknout do tajů virtuálního světa internetu. Trochu mu s tím ze začátku pomůžeme :).
Good morning,
My name is Jerry Muleya Mwaanga aged 28 and I come from Zambia. I'm a secondary school teacher and I teach mathemathics and music to pupils aged from 14-19 years at Masuku Secondary in Choma district of Southern Province. It is a boarding school. Masuku Secondary is a mission school run by the United Church of Zambia and and Bishop Vincent Kageya is currently in charge of the Southern Presbytery.
I came to Prague within the South-North project of GLEN programme. It is my first time in Europe. I´m going to visit some czech schools to observe and participate in the lessons and I will be having some lectures about my country and especially my school. In churches I´m going to visit, I will also teach some gospel songs.
Though not developed, the school was opened in the early 1980s. It is situated in a typical village about 70 KM away from the main road and only connected by a gravel dust road .
There is no electricity, running water and flushing systém toilets in houses.We use fire wood and charcoal for cooking and candles / kerosine for lighting.Also the school has no laboratory, library and technological equipment such as computers.
On behalf of the United Church of Zambia(UCZ) all teachers ,pupils and Masuku community, its my great honour and priviledge to thank the Czech partner organisation for the support and help they rendered to our school last year where they sent Thomas Tozhicka to install solar power at our school and in some teachers, houses. A water tank and pump were installed to provide running water.Not only this ,the organisation also donated a photocopier,a projector ,battery charger ,enough pens, pencils ,and markers for every pupil and teacher,just to mention a few.
The project was a success .Pupils are now able to study at night which is good and currently the results are improving.Teachers are able to prepare their teaching even at night though for few hours only.They are also able to watch television and listen to radio ,charging phones and use personal computer though only one teacher has a computer.In the rain season and cloud days the systém is not effective due to lack of sun light.
Currently,we are appealing to our Czech partner organisation again and all well wishers to remember us in the future so that we can realise the above mentioned short falls.
There are about 450 pupils and only 17 teachers at my school.Many teachers do not want to teach there mainly due to lack of electricity.There are about 60 to 80 pupils in one class though control measures are currently in place.Mainly,teachers favour the lecture method with variations.Teachers are accomodated in simple houses within the school.In schoo all pupils wear uniform and pay school fees.But many parents cannot afford the school related costs due to high poverty levels hindering the innocent children from education.Only a few are partly sponsored by some NGO ,s.Interested well wishers are welcome to assist some vulnerable pupils especially the orphans.
About 60% of Zambia ,s population live in villages.The majority of the people,about 70% live below the poverty level and live in small huts made out of mud and grass thatched.Poverty is the talk of the day.Many are subsistence farmers and can grow their own food .Others are charcoal burners and they can transport 2 to 4 bags on one bicycle to the nearest town about 70 km for market.For lighting ,othrs use grass orcharcoal combined with candle wax because buying acandle or kerosin is too expensive for them.They get most of their water from streams , rivers and wells.In some places ,you find a bore hole /water pump in a central place.
Poligamy is very common in villages and you find that one man is married to more than one wife .Others can go up to more than five wives.All in all ,cultural values ,norms and traditions are respected in the village than in towns.
How were your first impressions in Prague?
Prague is a nice city with a nice buildings. I was very much impressed with that clock where the apostles appear every hour. The day after my arrival I attended the theatre and a musical festival called "Mezi ploty". The music was good and I liked listening to pop, rock and reggae. I was just changing from place to place.
The other impressions are about the schools and their buildings themselves. In the schools I liked the methods of teaching which were based on the learner and I was impressed by the class population where the maximum is only 30 pupils. In my school there are about 60 to 80 pupils in one class.
The picture I had in mind was that Europe is very developed. There is electricity, running water and flushing toilets in all houses. What you call a village here in Zambia it could be a town..I had in mind that Europe was more religious than Africa and that many people believe in God and the bible.This was because many churches in Africa originated from Europe and the whites brought churches and the bible which is the word of God. Even up to now the highest post in several churches is in Europe.
I think Europe is very developed. There is electricity, running water and flushing toilets in all houses. What you call a village here in Zambia it could be a town.
I had a very good experience to day in the two private schools I visited.At the English College,I had some interviews with teachers trying to share information on some common topics which was filmed. I also visited the library and I was quite impressed because it is fully equiped with books, magazines,CDs and computers.I also interviewed the librarian.At my school there is no library and they assured me that they will try to donate some books to my school .I collected more useful information. Generally teachers were so good and helpful.
At Trojske gymnazium I observed a mathematics lesson where I learnt some methods of teaching which can be even implemented at my school. Not only this ,I was also given one Mathematics lesson to teach on locus and construction. Experiencing teaching in Europe was really a challenge for me and interesting.Teaching a class of only five pupils was too small for me as Iam used to large classes. All went well.