Duck hunting season
Libor Stejskal, blog page editor
Aleksander Korab wrote:
On the 21st of October anno domini 2007 in Poland Donald* won with the Duck**.
Duck lost because he made Polish people pissed off. Prime minister, together with his twin brother (who is a president of Poland), forced people to start ‘duck hunting season’ and go to vote. Both brothers won the last election by promising people - moral restoration of Polish politics scene and fighting against corruption. They kept only one promise – the head of corruption’s monster was cut off.
But the rest was a disaster. Twins invited to government coalition populist Self-defence party, which main parliamentarians had criminal sentences. This is odd way to start moral restoration. Everyone who criticised government was called former secret police informer, traitor, or part of “secret network”. Word “network” was used so often that now it makes laugh even most pro-Kaczynski fans.
The next step was to takeover polish state media - the main Polish TV and radio news was blind to news about opposition.
But the most painful for young Polish people was discredit of Polish state abroad. My young friends were too ashamed to go abroad after Fox News material about Polish PM who didn’t have bank account and gave all salary to his mother – let’s forget about all diplomatic faux pas.
It was too much for young, well-educated generation. They started to motivate themselves to voting – and begun campaign called “Move Your ass and vote”. Creativity of young people was amazing. From TV commercials, by you-tube ads, to happenings and sms actions. Since 1968 Europe hasn’t seen young people more involved in politics. They believed that they could change something, that they vote did matter. And they managed; they shot the Duck. Donald won. But is he able to fulfil awaked young people expectations? If not he will next target to shoot.
* Donald Tusk leader of liberal PO party.
** Duck (popular nickname of Jaroslaw Kaczynski, polish PM, leader of conservative PiS party).